19 January 2016

Learn to set the right goal for success - quote

Inspirational quote about life, fitness and getting better than yesterday - Sexy body building training woman image - 3

The Goal isn't to be perfect. It is just to get better and never ever stop that!

No one is perfect and you don't have to be, don't set goals that can disappoint you, just aim to be better than yesterday and this way you will be motivated to keep going and you will be perfect this way.

How to succeed, never quit

Short inspiring quote about success, winning and motivation - inspirational image 2

Winners are not the people who never fail, but the people who never quit

It is not about failing, it is about not quitting, fighting over and over till you make it, that's how winners win, that's how to make success. So never doubt yourself, you can make it, just keep fighting.

fake people and fake friends true colors quote

Short inspirational quotes about fake friends - image 3

You will see other's true colors when your are no longer beneficial to their life.

You only know who is real, who is your true friend when your are in troubles, when it is bad time and you are no longer beneficial to them, then you will see their truth. So who ever stays with you in that kind of time, is you real friend, the one who care & the one who deserves you and your time

Your happiness depends on you and your choices

short inspirational quotes about life and happiness - inspiring wallpaper image 2

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

It is always up to you and your attitude that to be happy or to be sad, it always come from inside .. they way you choose to see and think about things that will determine either being happy or sad. 

So always watch your thoughts carefully and learn how to control them, how to direct them and stay positive, remember positive thoughts = happy life

17 January 2016

Have faith and trust in god, he got it

Motivational inspirational quotes about god and life to motivate you - river nature image 1

God didn't bring you this far to leave you.

Stay faithful, you might don't understand what is going on now, you might don't see him but he is there, working things for the best for you, it might be testing your patience to teach you something but in the end, it will work out for your best.